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Navigating Growing Pains — Natural remedies for children’s growing pains using TCM
Discover how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help your family stay healthy this fall. Explore immune-boosting herbs, vitamins, and lifestyle tips to support your child’s health during this challenging seasonal transition.

How to strengthen immune systems in fall with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Discover how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help your family stay healthy this fall. Explore immune-boosting herbs, vitamins, and lifestyle tips to support your child’s health during this challenging seasonal transition.

Calming a Cough — Effective TCM remedies for soothing children’s coughs
Discover how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help your family stay healthy this fall. Explore immune-boosting herbs, vitamins, and lifestyle tips to support your child’s health during this challenging seasonal transition.

Needles to Nourishment: Enhancing Wellness with Acupuncture and Yin Yang Reset
Enhancing Wellness with Acupuncture and Yin Yang Reset As an acupuncturist, I’m frequently asked: What should I do to support healing between sessions? The answer

Carrot Dill Soup
This soup does not discriminate: it’s a crowd pleaser for both vegans and meat eaters. The potatoes make it hearty, but you could also add

The raw, unfiltered truth of becoming a self-published author.
Have you noticed that trend on social media lately—the one where people are ditching the facade of perfection and showing the real, messy side of

Easing into Spring
Take a leaf out of nature’s book and give yourself permission to ease into the season at your own pace.

Spring Blossoms
Embrace the chaos of spring with open arms, knowing that you have the tools and wisdom of TCM to guide you. Here’s to a season of growth, renewal, and endless possibilities!

Springtime Qi-medy ~ TCM Tips to Dance Through the Season
Discover how TCM-inspired solutions can transform your spring Shenanigans into a Qi-medy of epic proportions, filled with playful insights, quirky anecdotes, and practical tips to keep your spirits high and your Qi flowing!

Beyond Needles: A Story of Growth, Vulnerability, and the Evolution of The Village
Each passing year, The Village reflects my personal evolution in both practice and entrepreneurship.

Chocolate lovers ❤️
Let’s face it, not everyone is head over heels for February or Valentine’s Day. But everyone (well, almost everyone) sure does love chocolate. We all

Grief – A universal language
Picture this: A 5 a.m. wake-up for hockey-mom duties and a mad dash to secure the coveted spot as first in line for our passport

Sleep Seekers 💤
Let’s talk about the elusive beast we all crave: SLEEP. I thought I had it all figured out, whispering sweet lullabies to my belly, convinced

Take A Pause
As we step into November, a time for reflection and giving thanks, I want to share a simple practice I’ve embraced. Pause for a moment

Spotting Glimmers ✨ Instead of Triggers
October can be a tricky month for me, as it’s filled with triggers that make me feel like I’m navigating a field of emotional landmines.

My Life As An Acupuncturist
Someone recently asked me about the life of an acupuncturist, and you know what? I had a blast spilling the beans! Why do I adore this

My favourite sun-care tips and tricks
Lately, I’ve been fixated on my hands, scrutinizing every sunspot and wrinkle that’s making its grand entrance. It’s a strange obsession, I know, but hey, we

Acupuncture is for everyone
If you are seeking acupuncture for pain, reproductive health, and mental wellbeing. I see you and I’m here to help. Acupuncture is a gentle and

I will never stop talking about mental health
Mental-health issues come in all shapes and sizes. This May I want to talk to a specific group of people: MOMS, aka momma, mum, mommy, ma,

Sara Ward
Step into my world, where the momentum of our combined energies makes healing contagious.