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Chocolate lovers ❤️

Let’s face it, not everyone is head over heels for February or Valentine’s Day. But everyone (well, almost everyone) sure does love chocolate. We all know chocolate has a rich history dating back to ancient Mesoamerican civilizations, where the Aztecs and Maya cultivated and consumed cocoa beans as a sacred beverage. I want to continue this sacred journey with you. 

I’m no chocolate connoisseur, but I sure do use chocolate to work its magic on my soul, to lift me up, and maybe even do a bit of internal healing. And can we talk about chocolate cravings? Some say it might be linked to a magnesium deficiency, and you know what? I’m here for it. It’s like a welcome signal that my body’s hitting the reset button, and I get to indulge in a thing of beauty.

Now, let’s not forget the natural rhythm of our cycles – because, honestly, everything circles back to it for me and many of my patients. With the onset of my cycle, I crave sleep like it’s nobody’s business. So, to hit a double whammy, I whip up some collagen-fueled hot chocolate from scratch. This way, I’m getting the benefits of pure cocoa, powerful collagen powder, and a cozy cup of warm almond milk. It’s practically a guaranteed ticket to a dreamy night’s sleep. But, hold up – if you know chocolate gets you all jazzed up, maybe save this delightful concoction for the morning or early afternoon. I’m not taking the blame for any late-night cocoa-induced awakenings!

Now, here’s the good stuff – my Nourishing Hot Chocolate recipe. Simple, delicious, and perfect for some serious self-love:

Nourishing Hot Chocolate:


  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any milk of your choice)
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (go wild if you’re feeling sassy)
  • 1-2 scoops collagen powder
  • 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
  • A pinch of salt (optional)
  • Optional toppings: a sprinkle of cinnamon or dark chocolate shavings


  • Heat the milk: Warm up that almond milk (or milk of your choosing) in a saucepan – warm, not boiling; we’re not making a cocoa hot tub here.
  • Mix in cocoa powder: Whisk in the cocoa powder until it’s swirling with the warm milk. It takes a bit of effort, but trust me, it’s worth it.
  • Sweeten and flavour: Stir in maple syrup to sweeten the deal. Adjust to your sweetness preference. Add vanilla extract and a pinch of salt if you’re feeling extra fancy.
  • Simmer and blend: Let that chocolatey goodness simmer for a few minutes – make sure it’s all warm and cozy. Want it extra frothy? Blend it up with an immersion blender or go old-school with a regular blender.
  • Add collagen: Here’s the secret weapon – add the collagen powder to the mix. Whisk it in like you’re creating a masterpiece.
  • Serve: Grab your favourite mug, pour in the hot chocolate, and top it off with a sprinkle of cinnamon or dark chocolate shavings because you deserve that extra indulgence.
  • Enjoy: And just like that, you’re in the groove of self-love, armed with the most decadent hot chocolate. 

Happy self-love month, no, LIFE, my friend. Catch you in the clinic, maybe even with a cup of this liquid magic in hand.



Picture of Sara Ward

Sara Ward

Step into my world, where the momentum of our combined energies makes healing contagious.



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