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Family Planning — There’s a point for that

I like to say “there’s a point for that,” but the magic really happens when I use combinations of acupuncture points.

I choose the combo of acupuncture points that will get you moving forward based on your history and listening carefully to what’s happening for you right now. And right now, spring has sprung for all of us.

Maybe that’s why we are seeing a huge wave of family planning!

Family planning can be tricky to talk about because it means such different things to each of us. All the more reason to talk about it!

Every single person who walks through my door, no matter where they are in their parenting journey, will find help at The Village. Just last week in our four chairs and two beds, I had the honour to navigate six uniquely different family-planning journeys: a miscarriage in motion, the beginning of IVF injections, a long-awaited positive pregnancy test, a breech baby, a pregnancy 10 days past its due date, and a first trimester from hell.

Know what they all had in common?

Big feelings, including tears, grief, sadness, joy, and gratitude, for all the different phases they were walking. 

We’re not here to judge or exclude anyone, or make them feel uncomfortable. I learned a thing or two about discomfort around family planning in the six years after my son was born, when I was repeatedly asked “When are you having another baby?”

Answer: I’m not, are you ok with that?

Talk about making people feel uncomfortable. But I treat those people too! Frustrating? Sometimes, yes. An opportunity for growth? You better believe it. 

At The Village, we want to acknowledge and support all the many sides to family planning. This journey is uniquely yours. There is no magic point that will poof your desired family into existence.

What I CAN do is walk with you, share our experiences, hold your hand, and hug you! YES, hug you (with permission, of course).

You want hot tips, I got hot tips — for each of those six people in our clinic last week, and for you in every phase of your life. 


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