Beyond Needles: A Story of Growth, Vulnerability, and the Evolution of The Village

Each passing year, The Village reflects my personal evolution in both practice and entrepreneurship.
Chocolate lovers ❤️

Let’s face it, not everyone is head over heels for February or Valentine’s Day. But everyone (well, almost everyone) sure does love chocolate. We all know chocolate has a rich history dating back to ancient Mesoamerican civilizations, where the Aztecs and Maya cultivated and consumed cocoa beans as a sacred beverage. I want to continue […]
Grief – A universal language

Picture this: A 5 a.m. wake-up for hockey-mom duties and a mad dash to secure the coveted spot as first in line for our passport renewal. Cold concrete stairs, coffee jitters, and two chatty morning comrades who quickly become my first-in-line buddies. When my alarm went off, I had no idea I was headed for […]
Sleep Seekers 💤

Let’s talk about the elusive beast we all crave: SLEEP. I thought I had it all figured out, whispering sweet lullabies to my belly, convinced my baby would be a sleep prodigy. Fast forward ten years, and I’m in a nightly wrestling match with my very own night owl. The irony, right? You know you’re […]
Take A Pause

As we step into November, a time for reflection and giving thanks, I want to share a simple practice I’ve embraced. Pause for a moment and consider this: have you ever consciously taken a pause during your day? I’ve recently discovered the brilliance of pausing, and it’s as if I’ve stumbled upon a hidden treasure. […]
Spotting Glimmers ✨ Instead of Triggers

October can be a tricky month for me, as it’s filled with triggers that make me feel like I’m navigating a field of emotional landmines. But recently, a dear friend, who radiates positivity and reality like a beam of sunlight, introduced me to something called “glimmers.” Let me catch you up on this fantastic concept. […]
My Life As An Acupuncturist

Someone recently asked me about the life of an acupuncturist, and you know what? I had a blast spilling the beans! Why do I adore this gig so much? It’s simple. I get to weave together laughter, tears, sweat, and even a touch of colourful language, all in the pursuit of healing. It’s not just the job […]
My favourite sun-care tips and tricks

Lately, I’ve been fixated on my hands, scrutinizing every sunspot and wrinkle that’s making its grand entrance. It’s a strange obsession, I know, but hey, we all love a little quirkiness, right? So, this month, my sun advice takes you on a delightful detour from the usual zinc oxide. Brace yourselves for a playful journey where sun protection […]
Acupuncture is for everyone

If you are seeking acupuncture for pain, reproductive health, and mental wellbeing. I see you and I’m here to help. Acupuncture is a gentle and effective way to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall mental wellbeing. What I know for sure is that we can only change ourselves, so we owe it to our […]
I will never stop talking about mental health

Mental-health issues come in all shapes and sizes. This May I want to talk to a specific group of people: MOMS, aka momma, mum, mommy, ma, mmm or, my new personal favourite, Brahhh! Being a mom-brah means everything to me. As of this May, I’ve been a mom for 10 years, with all its accompanying ups and […]