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Sleep Seekers 💤

Let’s talk about the elusive beast we all crave: SLEEP.

I thought I had it all figured out, whispering sweet lullabies to my belly, convinced my baby would be a sleep prodigy. Fast forward ten years, and I’m in a nightly wrestling match with my very own night owl. The irony, right?

You know you’re a sleep lover when you’re the punchline of your friends’ jokes for being in bed by 8 p.m. Sure, I can rally post-6 p.m., but ideally my bedtime wind-down kicks off immediately after dinner. Except on hockey nights — because, priorities.

Sleep, the magic sauce for life!

At The Village, I tackle more sleep-related issues than a sheep-counting champion. Hormones, stress, anxiety, overworked souls, exhaustion, fatigue, trauma, nutritional deficiencies, pregnancy-related sleep disturbances — name it, and I’ve got your back.

Now, let’s talk Yin and Yang, the dynamic duo of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

By day, we’re all about that Yang — bright, vibrant, moving. 

Come nightfall, though, Yin takes the stage — dark, quiet, reflective, and oh-so-nourishing.

If you visit your acupuncturist seeking sleep sanctuary, brace yourself for these essential questions about your sleep patterns:
  1. Do you struggle to fall asleep?
  2. If yes, do you experience difficulties staying asleep? If so, what time do you typically wake up in the middle of the night?
  3. Is it easy for you to fall asleep, only to wake up later and struggle to get back to sleep?
  4. Do you have trouble falling asleep, and once you do, do you find yourself dreaming all night, yet waking up feeling unrested?
  5. Do you experience vivid dreams, nightmares, night terrors, or engage in sleepwalking?
  6. Have you noticed a pattern of irregular sleep around your menstrual cycle?
  7. Can you describe your bedtime habits, including when you go to bed and when you aim to wake up?
  8. Would you consider yourself a night owl, someone who tends to stay up late into the night?
  9. Do you take any supplements or medications to help you sleep?


These are just a few of the questions I ask to pinpoint (hah!) the specific acupuncture points your body is screaming for. The key to success is that personalized prescription. The right acupoints send new messages to your brain and body, encouraging them to keep up with all the changes we’re going to make.

Now, let’s dive into the mystical world of bedtime wisdom, where we acupuncturists recommend a bedtime between 9 and 11 p.m. 


You want to be asleep by 11 because that’s when the gallbladder takes the lead. From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., the gallbladder releases bile and orchestrates the grand performance of Yang-qi.

Yang-qi is no ordinary energy. It’s the superhero that helps our blood run a marathon, cleaning up and repairing the day’s cellular mess. Catching those Z’s before the clock strikes 11 means your body gets a full dose of this powerhouse, ensuring a happier, healthier you.

From 1 a.m. to 3 is liver time — your liver’s late-night spa session. Deep sleep nourishes and detoxifies your blood. Missing it is like cancelling a spa appointment for your organs.

Of course, you’ve heard the bedtime basics: consistent sleep schedule, relaxing evening routines, screen limits, diet mindfulness, staying active, stress management, yada yada. 

But what if I told you the secret sauce could be acupuncture? Tailored to you, acupuncture can be THE game-changer.

HOT TIP: My favourite Functional Medicine Doctor, Mark Hyman has just released a FREE sleep masterclass. It’s full of amazing things we already know and then this new one I’ve been testing out… mouth taping. Yes, since I watched this course, I’ve been mouth taping and I LOVE  IT. 

So, my sweet sleep seekers, take that leap into the dreamland adventure. Yes, even you, the 3 a.m. Instagram explorer — I see you in my stats, but I’m snoozing peacefully. Why aren’t you?

Dream on (and sleep tight).


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