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Procrastination Panic Station

Welcome to my own personal procrastination panic station! I just can’t seem to get s**t done. I’ve been trying to freeze time, but my powers are not great enough. Instead, I’ve just been avoiding all the things I have to do. 

OR maybe I’m onto something. After all, what do cultures living with extreme heat do when it gets too hot? They do nothing. It’s like they’re taking the expression “chilling out” to a whole other level. 

I’ve decided to learn from them and reframe my procrastination and panic. As of now, I’m riding my chill vibe through the summer heat instead. If you’re still caught up in the hot hot heat panic, keep reading, help is on its way!

Between holidays and hot days, I’ve been able to support many of you through summer’s blast of ups and downs.

I’ve noticed that many of you are showing up with hot hot panic. (Are you sensing a theme yet?)

Yup, panic attacks. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory tells us this is totally expected in hot weather. Heat can get stuck deep inside us and trigger a state of panic. 

Fear not, we’ve got you covered. Here in the clinic, I’m seeing transformation happen for patients in only one to three treatments. A few teeny-tiny needles in the right places will have your nervous system reorganized, your internal temperature retempered, and your mind free and clear of the hamster wheel so you can blissfully enjoy the rest of your summer. 

If the heat is stressing you out, come on in and let us know. If you’re feeling fancy, ask for a Jue Yin Shao Yang. Or just say you’re hot and bothered. Either way, we’ll cool your jets.

I can hear you now: What’s a Jue Yin Shao Yang, and what will this treatment do for me if I ask for it? This treatment is seriously the BOSS if you’ve been feeling frantic, hot, bothered, irritated, panicky, angry, or all of the above.

Here’s the easiest way to describe how you’re feeling from a TCM perspective: You’re half in and half out of your body or mind. And when you feel untethered like this, panic can ensue as a line of defense. Essentially, your yin and yang are out of whack. 

All you really need to know about yin and yang is that we need them in relative balance to handle what’s thrown at us with ease and grace, including 33 degree weather plus all the usual stuff like kids, work, and dinner. 

Gah, don’t you want more ease and grace? I sure do. 

I’ve literally had people tell me, “something just happened.” It may be nothing they can pinpoint, but often it’s a significant event that tripped them out of balance, making them question their entire lives. 

Sound familiar? Next time the heat sends you into a panic, come on in and ask for a Jue Yin Shao Yang treatment. Typically, we acupuncturists don’t respond well to being told what points to do, but we’ll make an exception in this case. If you’re showing up in our chair well aware that you’re stuck in the grip of heat and panic, we’re ready to help shift your energies with this treatment. We might even throw in a few other select points, like the 5 NP (you can read more about those powerhouses here).

With only a few weeks of summer left, I want you to get out there and enjoy the heat. Why not take a few things off your plate (do you really need to do ALL the things?). Go ahead and spend the rest of the holidays grounded and savoring life’s many joys. 

 For some choice tips on thriving in the heat, head over and download my seasonal transition guide to summerYou’ll thank me when I see you next.  


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