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How to strengthen immune systems in fall with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Blog Series: Fall Wellness for Families — Embracing the Season with Traditional Chinese Medicine

As the leaves turn golden and the air cools, fall brings not just a change in scenery but a shift in health needs for both kids and parents. I’ll explore how to navigate this transition in a three-part blog series: 

  1. How to strengthen immune systems in fall with Traditional Chinese Medicine
  2. Navigating growing pains — Natural remedies for children’s growing pains using TCM
  3. Calming a cough — Effective TCM remedies for soothing children’s coughs


Drawing on the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and practical tips I use in my own house, I’ll dive into strategies for keeping immune systems strong, easing growing pains, and calming those pesky coughs.



As we move into fall, it’s normal for families to experience a surge in sniffles and colds. While getting sick occasionally is part of life, there are many proactive ways to support your family’s immune health using the principles of TCM. Here are some essential tools, tips, and tricks, from my home to yours: 

  1. Yin Xiao San: A powerful traditional Chinese herbal formula that helps address early signs of colds and flu, though its strong flavor might not be ideal for kids. For a more kid-friendly option, consider Yu Ping Feng Wan (Jade Screen), which includes immune-boosting herbs like astragalus and is safe for daily use during cold and flu season. Mushrooms such as Reishi, along with herbs like elderberry, echinacea, mint, goldenseal, and honeysuckle, can also be beneficial for supporting immune health. Consistency is key to making these remedies effective. Do yourself a favour and check in with the best herbalists in town: Lisa Matsuzaki and Shanie Rechner.
  2. Vitamin D: I’ll be blunt: we northern-dwellers are probably all deficient. With less sunlight in fall, maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels becomes crucial. Vitamin D supports immune function and overall health. Oh, and here’s a truth bomb for you: Vitamin D is the single most important immunomodulator on the planet! Consider a high-quality supplement to ensure your family gets enough. My favorite is the Vitamin D/K2 Liquid by Thorne.
  3. Multivitamins: A well-rounded multivitamin can fill in nutritional gaps, providing essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health and immunity. Plus, what kid doesn’t love to take a chewy candy-like thing first thing in the morning. Here’s the one my kiddo loves: Teens Multi-Cherry by SISU.
  4. Probiotics: A healthy gut is vital for a strong immune system. Probiotics help maintain a balanced digestive system, which in turn supports immune health. Incorporate probiotic-rich foods such as yogurts, kefir, sauerkraut, and/or supplements to help keep your child’s gut balanced by providing good bacteria like acidophilus and bifidus, which support healthy immune function. We love these for back to school: HMF Fit For School (Shelf-Stable) by Genestra.


For these 3 products above, head over to fullscript and receive 10% off your order. While you’re there, have a browse and find all your supplements just a click away.

  1. Healthy food choices: You know I’m going to drop Yin Yang Reset here. Specifically, Qi deficiency. It’s the food plan you’ll want to follow as we transition from summer to fall and into winter. Focus on a diet rich in steamed or cooked vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. Foods like garlic, ginger, and bone broth are particularly beneficial in TCM for boosting the immune system.
  2. Sleep: If you ask my kid, I’m the sleep nagger, always asking if it’s bedtime yet. With a delightful eye roll from my precious little, coupled with an “ugh, mom,” I’m all about sleep. It’s the cornerstone of health, if you ask me. Ensure your child gets enough restful sleep to support their growing body and immune system. Sleep helps repair and rejuvenate the body, making it essential for staying healthy.
  3. Epsom salt baths: No need to measure, just dump some salts in the tub and let your little ruck around for a while. Epsom salt baths are soothing and can help relieve muscle tension and stress (yes, kids are stressed too). They also promote relaxation, which supports overall health and well-being AND Sleep.


Remember, while it’s normal for kids to get sick from time to time, these strategies can help mitigate the frequency and severity of illness and support quick recovery.

What are your favorite ways to keep your family healthy in the fall? Share in the comments below!

Here’s to a healthy season transition.



Picture of Sara Ward

Sara Ward

Step into my world, where the momentum of our combined energies makes healing contagious.



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