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Hot Tips For A New Year

I usually keep these treatment-boosting secrets exclusively for my patients, but I’ve decided to do a little New Year’s share. So, here we go, with a few ways you can turbo-boost your health.

The new year is a pretty awesome time for me. As I complete another trip around the sun, I’ve got even more juicy knowledge to pass along. Here are four of the most important health boosters I regularly share with my patients to help extend their acupuncture treatment through the week.

  1. DIGESTION  – Digestive enzymes are pure gold! Never suffer from the bloat, the gas, the constipation, the opposite-to-constipation ever again (don’t you wish I added this to the December newsletter?). BioGest by Thorne is my go-to for everything digestion related. To make this tip even hotter, BioGest is a powerful supplement for those suffering with fibromyalgia . If you’re not digesting the food you eat, you’re probably also not digesting the world around you, so stress, anxiety, and general unwellness cloud your day-to-day! Take 1 to 2 capsules with your meals daily and circle back and let me know how you’re feeling.
  2. SLEEP, INSOMNIA, ANXIETY  – Magnesium bisglycinate is what you need on the heels of digestion, to help you absorb life. Magnesium is single-handedly the most important supplement you can take for anything that stands in your path of wellness. My fave is Magnesium Bisglycinate 200 Gentle by CanPrev. Feeling resistance? Take magnesium. Not sleeping? Ditto. Same if you’re nervous, anxious and jittery all the time. In moments of high stress I take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 more just before bed. Get a 10% discount through me right here.
  3. SCHEDULE ACUPUNCTURE – Yup, the single most important step to move from survival-ness into wellness is to schedule an acu-nap. Depending on where you are in your healing journey, you can start with 1x/week for 4 to 6 weeks, then move to 2x/ month, then check in 1x/ month for 3 to 5 months. After that, pop back in if there is a hiccup in your journey. Once I get to know you, I can tell you just how often to schedule in. 
  4. Oh, and water, drink more water! Because everything is better when you’re deeply hydrated.


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