Hold Your People Tight

I’ll never forget my very first breast cancer patient. I’d only been in practice for a year and here she was, a residential school survivor, and now a breast cancer survivor. I remember trying so hard not to cry, not to let my patient see how deeply I was hurting alongside her. But I just couldn’t hold […]

Bust out those ity bitty tities, we are heading to my first mammogram appointment. I half thought the office would be pink! But it was a horrible brown orange at the front and a neutral beige in the rooms. I got Covid deja vu from the plastic-wrapped waiting room chairs and all the hand sanitizer […]
September Transitions

See how I roll into the September transition from the lazy days of summer to the return-from holidays, back-to-school extravaganza. I’m entering September with some pretty epic summer holidays under my belt. I feel grounded, full of creativity, and ready to serve. That being said, I’ll also be navigating the back-to-school hustle and bustle, like so […]
Procrastination Panic Station

Welcome to my own personal procrastination panic station! I just can’t seem to get s**t done. I’ve been trying to freeze time, but my powers are not great enough. Instead, I’ve just been avoiding all the things I have to do. OR maybe I’m onto something. After all, what do cultures living with extreme heat do when […]
All In or All Out?

I’ll kick off with a transition that was quietly put in motion a year ago. (And, just so you know, this was written with full mutual permission for transparency.) Once upon a time, there were two best friends — soulmates, really — who dreamed of becoming business partners. In 2016, Tara Akuna approached me about opening […]
Mental health and the 5-point NADA Protocol

Grab a cuppa-something and curl up with a powerful perspective as I navigate mental health! So I had this conversation with my almost 9 year old the other day. I could see he was struggling with something and I knew I could help, but rather than just butting my nose in and telling him what […]
Family Planning — There’s a point for that

I like to say “there’s a point for that,” but the magic really happens when I use combinations of acupuncture points. I choose the combo of acupuncture points that will get you moving forward based on your history and listening carefully to what’s happening for you right now. And right now, spring has sprung for […]

A bundle of points that pack a punch to check all your emotions. Maybe I’m projecting here but I and I think you could use a good dose of calm. That is guaranteed at The Village with 5 teeny tiny points…in your ear. If you know you know, but if you don’t know here is […]

The leaves are turning beautiful fiery shades and drifting to the ground. Yup, it’s fall. Let’s take a moment to reflect on how Traditional Chinese Medicine responds to this seasonal transition. First of all, fall is NOT my favorite season, but it IS actually the season that my element thrives in. YES, I Sara Ward, […]
Why I Became An Acupuncturist

During this annual media blitz of hearts, love, and relationships, I’m taking a different approach. I’m going to take you to the heart of why I became an acupuncturist. My passion for acupuncture grew out of a dire situation. Back in the early 2000s, when I was living and working in South Korea, I got […]