Join my Community
The Village
My home away from home where even if you suck at relaxing, we’ll send you off for the ‘acu-nap’ of your dreams.
Sara & Tara
We’ve simplified the super-effective healing wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We’ve got you covered with dietary practices you can easily apply using everyday ingredients in your very own kitchen.
The Chiro culture
This dynamic duo, husband and wife team, Dr. Pavin and Dr. Erin Rakhra. They have a combined passion for changing the way individuals view their health and are my #1 referral team.
You need them now.
Tara Akuna
My right hand girl! My ride or die! You need everything this woman is putting down. Her rolodex of contacts will blow your mind.
Join My Community

Wanna collaborate with me to build out a kickass worldwide referral team?
I really want my people to know about you so they can benefit from what you do. And I want to get to know YOUR people. Sound intriguing?
If you’re ready to invest time and effort in creating a community with me, come and join me in my virtual Grand Central Collaboration Station!
My ultimate goal is to confidently refer you to my peeps. But if we haven’t met, how can I know we’re in alignment about the big stuff like authenticity, balance, and accountability?
Here’s what I’ve come up with: a questionnaire!
Click here and the email will land in your inbox. My hope is that you’ll take the time to dig beneath the surface for your answers. Once I’ve read them and gotten a better sense of who you are, I’ll be in touch.
Click here and the email will land in your inbox. My hope is that you’ll take the time to dig beneath the surface for your answers. Once I’ve read them and gotten a better sense of who you are, I’ll be in touch.